Pavel Skachevsky is a Russian criminal on the list of "Individuals banned from the UK for stirring-up hatred".[1]
The reason given is that he and Artur Ryno are "Leaders of a violent gang that beat migrants and posted films of their attacks on the internet. Considered to be engaging in unacceptable behaviour by fomenting serious criminal activity and seeking to provoke others to serious criminal acts.".
In April 2007 Police arrested Skachevsky and Ryno following the murder of Armenian businessman, Karen Abramian. Abramian was stabbed at the entrance to his Moscow apartment[2]
It was established in court that the two were leaders of a teenage racist skinhead gang, members of which had randomly attacked and murdered 20 immigrant workers. Skachevsky and Ryno were sentenced to penal labour for 10 years each.[2][3]